The History of Glass
The desire to decorate our homes is centuries old. The art forms that have been used to create the objects we like to surround ourselves with, has evolved over the generations. Glass remains one of the most popular ones from olden times.
How is Glass made?
Glass is a sustainable, recyclable material made from natural non-toxic raw materials like sand, soda ash and limestone which are melted at very high temperature to create glass.
Development of Style over the Years
In the late 17th and mid-18th centuries, glass was decorated with coloured enamels, and often stippled or engraved using coloured oxides. The decorative patterns were simple, such as dots and lines. Later more complex patterns were used, such as landscapes, and mythological scenes.
In the latter 18th and early 19 centuries saw demand for cut and engraved glass styles. Deep-profile cuts, shallow cutting and engraving were popular techniques.
In the mid to late 19th century, innovation led to trend of coloured glass (think blue, green, yellowish-green, red hues), stained glass, pressed glass and cut glass. Vases, jugs, decanter and goblets were hugely popular and were produced in large numbers to meet the demand. Around this time, rich colours and iridescent glass made their way in lamps, shades, bowl with wavy decoration, ruffled rims, silver trailing and metallic finishes.
With the onset of the 20th century modern styles were adopted and notably loved by the masses. New colours were introduced like orange, scarlet, pink and jade green along with contrasting textures and bold geometric shapes.
Glass can be be recycled multiple times without losing its quality, unlike plastic which degrades every time it is recycled. Did you know that glass doesn’t need any extra chemical layers to protect food and drink? This is so unlike the soda cans which are lined with a plastic liner to prevent aluminium from corroding and reacting with the soda drinks.
Another interesting fact is that it takes less energy to melt glass for recycling than making new glass using virgin raw materials.
Over the years, new manufacturing methods are being used to use less glass to make items like wine bottles lighter, yet just as strong. Fun fact - the weight of the average glass bottle has reduced by 40% over the last 15 years! Isn't that amazing.
We are happy to introduce some mesmerising products that make use of glass as one of their raw materials.
In Australia, every council offers recycling of glass in their local recycling programs making it easy for everyone to make use of it. With such good properties, this material is surely one to raise a glass to!!