Gift Hacks that are Practical, Sustainable and Ethical
Everyone loves gifts. But if you are worried about excessive mindless consumption and its impact on our planet, how do you make sure that you keep yourself and the gift recipient happy? Easy, following some of our gift hacks that are practical, sustainable and ethical. If you have more ideas, we would be happy to hear your thoughts.
Understand the needs and the wants
This is a concept that can make a big shift in your gifting strategy. For example, a spoon collector would appreciate a new one to add to their collection rather than a set of mugs!
Bear in mind that some of us are not very articulate in expressing our needs and if you can sense that without us saying it then you would be gift ninja! For example, I often say that I don't want anything for my birthday but my family members usually still get it right every single time! It could be a handbag because my current one needed replacement (need) or a pair of earrings (want).
You don't always have to spend a great deal of time to answer this question on behalf of your gift recipient. Often there are clues in your conversations with the person, like desire to speeden up their cooking time, or need for recipe book holder because they are now learning to cook.
Shop Fair Trade or visit your local op shop
If you want eco-friendly, sustainable and ethical products for your home, garden or fashion needs then you have much to browse and choose from the many fair trade shops that operate in Australia. Aksa is a fair trader and gives you plenty of choice in selecting ethical gifts online.
You can also visit any of your local op shop like Salvos for ideas. My kids often find treasures there for themselves like books and toys. The products are often high-quality.
Wrap right!
Once you have narrowed down on the gift, how do you gift it right? There are plenty of options - you can wrap in linen, recycled wrapping papers, or put them in an eco bag.
DIY gifts
This is my favourite hack for many celebrations like birthdays, and festivals that I enjoy celebrating like Diwali. I love to cook or bake traditional sweets and foods for my friends and family. There is nothing that speaks volumes than a gift that you created yourself (also super delicious compared to the stores!).
If you need more motivation for DIY gifts, think about the time you received a well-deserved card made by your child or grandchild. Those memories are wonderful to hold on to for a long time.
Such a gift need not be something "physical" as such. On my husband's birthday, my children played "Happy Birthday" song on their piano for him. It was a truly emotional moment for him and the children! Since it was a surprise for him, it made this gesture extra special.
Gift Experiences
Sometimes, all we want is a break from the regular routine. A weekend away, a family movie night, hot balloon ride, a farm visit, a zoo excursion or a short cruise - Australia has much to offer and we have so much to choose from! Get creative and get booking.
I do hope that you would have got a few ideas to try. Every moment of our lives is a reason to be humble and to enjoy the company that we have. Gifting becomes joy when it brings happiness to giver and the receiver. A practical, sustainable and ethical present ticks all the right boxes! Happy gifting.