The Mystery and Legend of Labyrinth Maze
Labyrinth mazes have had their own share of history over the last few centuries. They have continued to captivate us in the intricate pathways that form this structure. These pathways make it seem like it is built out of myths and magic rather than the bricks and cement it usually is made with.
Labyrinths have enjoyed mention in stories across different cultures and have inspired architectural styles & home decor. The below list quickly summarizes this interesting observation. It is referred by different names in different cultures. For example, "Bhul bhulaiya" in Hindi, National Language of India.
- Mythological stories - Think mention of Chakravyu in Mahabharata, an epic Indian tale of families torn by jealousy, hatred, revenge and blood-lust
- Fiction - Think about the unforgettable maze which was a feature in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
- Architectural styles - Think garden and buildings like the famous Hampton Court of London. Totally losing one’s bearings in the structure in this architectural wonder is a delight. Closer home, we have Bellingham Maze in Tanawha, Queensland
- Home accessories/games - Think rugs, tabletops, and puzzles
Labyrinths are used universally for self-reflection and as a tool for peace and guidance. A labyrinth is composed of well-defined winding paths that lead into the centre and out again. This can be considered a metaphor for life. After all, our lives have lots of twists and turns. These experiences shape the way we are towards self and towards others.
You can rediscover labyrinth to practise spirituality and inner-peace with our puzzle collection.